Two screens from a fictional AI mobile app on an orange gradient background
Two screens from a fictional AI mobile app on an orange gradient background

Project LUCY





Project Lucy was created to solve real problems for back-office teams in financial institutions. The goal was simple: make daily tasks easier, faster, and more reliable. By automating repetitive processes, improving system stability, and allowing teams to manage more clients without extra hires, Lucy transformed how these teams worked.

I chose this case-study project for its complexity, deep levels of interaction design, iterative process, and the technical considerations it required—factors that often go beyond the "Dribbbblised" aesthetic but are crucial for creating solutions that genuinely work and solve real user needs.

As the UX Lead for Project Lucy, I was responsible for understanding user needs through direct engagement, designing solutions that were simple and effective, and ensuring that these designs were tested and refined to work well in real-world settings. My focus was on keeping the user experience at the heart of every decision and working closely with the team to deliver a product that truly helped users.


In Project Lucy, we focused on solving the most pressing issues faced by back-office teams with three key approaches:

  1. Streamlined Reconciliation: Reconciliation is the process of ensuring that financial records match up across different systems, like matching bank statements with internal records. We automated much of this process, which was previously time-consuming and error-prone. By streamlining reconciliation, we reduced the manual effort required, allowing the team to focus on more strategic tasks.

  2. Scalability Without Extra Costs: To manage the growing number of clients without needing additional staff, we centralized and optimized data management. This made the system more efficient and allowed the team to handle more work with the same resources.

  3. Building a Reliable System: Stability was a top priority. We tackled the bugs and crashes head-on, creating a platform that users could depend on daily. By focusing on reliability, we ensured that the system supported the team’s needs without interruptions.


The impact of these solutions was significant:

  • 3x Faster Task Completion: Automation drastically reduced the time needed to complete tasks, making the team more productive.

  • 2.3x Reduction in Errors: Improved design and workflows led to fewer mistakes, resulting in cleaner data and smoother operations.

  • Higher User Satisfaction: Users found the system easier to use, with tasks completed more efficiently and with less frustration. Lucy made work simpler and more reliable.

Abstract image used as a placeholder for this design project
Abstract image used as a placeholder for this design project

Project Story

Work in progress…